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joi, 1 septembrie 2011

Latest news from Mobile World Congress in Barcelona

1. The first smartphone most 100 euros, launched this year:

     Smartphones, which will cost just 100 euros and will run the Symbian platform reach stores this year, according to Lee Williams, head of the Symbian Foundation, the World Congress in Barcelona by mobile phone, according to Reuters.

     The cheapest Nokia smartphone market running Symbian platform costs between120 and 130 euros to spare. "Operators will be smart phones to reduce the cost ofsubsidizing the costs that support such devices," says Neil Mawston, analyst atStrategy Analytics. In his opinion smarpthone sites will boost sales cheapmanufacturers, but at the same time will lead to lower prices of mobile marketing andlower rates of profit.

     In early February, Samsung unveiled the company plans to launch smartphonesbased on their platform Bada, devices designed in emerging markets. On the other hand plaftorma Symbian is used in particular on phones sold in developing countries."Symbian is an asset because it is platform-especially Nokia phones and devicessold in countries such as China," adds Mawston.

2. Microsoft launches Windows Phone 7

    Microsoft announced Windows 7 Phone, the new version of its operating system formobile phones will be available this autumn, according to Reuters.

    But Microsoft denied launching a model of mobile phone. Launch Windows 7 Phonecomes after Microsoft launched Windows Phone 6.5 in October last year.

    Manufacturers like Dell, Garmin, Asus, HTC Corp., HP, LG, Samsung, Sony Ericssonand Toshiba have announced they will release the phones with Windows Mobile 7.Some Microsoft partners include AT & T, Deutsche Telekom AG, Orange, SFR, Sprint,Telecom Italia, Telefonica, Telstra, T-Mobile USA, Verizon Wireless and Vodafone.

3. Samsung launches a tablet PC

South Korean Samsung Group, the second largest mobile phone maker in the world,will introduce its own tablet PC model, taking advantage of demand Ipad excited by the launch, Apple product, according to officials present at the World Congress Samsungmobile telephony Barcelona, quoted by Bloomberg. Samsung provides currently for theiPhone processor, according to market research firm iSuppli.

4. Google could launch Nexus Two

 Among the expected news at the World Congress of mobile phone from Barcelonaare second smartphone version of Nexus, those from Google and Microsoft's firstmobile phone.

Google Nexus Two

Two Nexus future could have a slide QWERTY Keyboard and will be produced byMotorola.

Even though the launch has Nexus One big valve device sales were rather disappointing. Only 80,000 fans Technology chose to buy a mobile Nexus One in the first month of release, its sales surpassed those of the first versions of the iPhone andthe Motorola smartphone Droid, The Wall Street Journal. Those Apple sold 600,000iPhones and those from Motorola - 525,000 units, according to statistics Flurry.Moreover, in the first week in which Nexus One was available on the market were soldonly 20,000 copies.

5. Motorola Devour

     Those of Motorola phone will be connected to a miniature QWERTY keyboard, but the screen is much smaller than the version Motorola Milestone. Thus, Devour will screeninstead of a 3.1 inch to 3.7 inches. The smartphone has built-in operating systemMOTOBLUR version Andoid Motorola system. The phone is designed specifically forsocial networks like Facebook and Twitter.

6. Samsung Bada

   Bada is the latest smartphone from Samsung TouchWiz operating system running.Distributed applications with this model can be a formidable competitor for Nexus Oneof those on Google. TouchWiz operating system images were posted online in December, and at first the program is a combination of the Android and Symbian.

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